An Independent Reviewer's Insights on NurseMyGrade

brandon-l Written by Brandon L.
April 26, 20248 min read

Have you heard of this awesome nursing writing service, which is the best in the market? If not, we are here to inform you. Do you want to take your nursing education to another level? Consider NurseMyGrade the best nursing website for students. The service offers top-notch nursing assignment assistance to nursing students across the world.

What sets this nursing service apart from others is that the services are tailored to meet individual needs.

In this article, we will provide an objective review of NurseMyGrade and explain why it outperforms other websites in delivering top nursing papers.

NB: An independent reviewer who elected to test our writing services wrote this post.

NurseMyGrade Ordering Process

To begin with, NurseMyGrade has one of the best user-friendly platforms that makes it easy for all clients and users to access the services and educational materials. This means that when you visit the website, whether through your mobile device or a desktop computer or laptop, the experience will be seamless.

We signed up for their nursing writing service to test the user experience and liked it. There is no confusing interface or hard-to-navigate website. You will access what you need easily.

The process for ordering assignment help from the best nursing website is quite easy. Here are the steps to follow:

Fill Out the Order Form

NurseMyGrade makes it easy to order an essay, research paper, or any other type of nursing assignment. To receive this help, click on the "write my nursing paper for me" button on the nursing website's landing page.

Once you click on this button, you will be taken directly to the NurseMyGrade ordering form. You will need to fill out the form by providing key details about your assignment. Some of the details you should provide include:

Every field that needs to be filed has a question mark next to it, which you can click and see what to expect or get some ideas about what to do.

If there are files included with the assignment, you need to upload them with the assignment requirements. NurseMyGrade has made it easy for clients to do this; there is a button you need to click to upload the files seamlessly.

Some of the assignment instructions include spacing instructions, number of sources, number of pages, etc.

Next, you will be required to provide your personal information, which includes your phone number and email address.

The assignment form is comprehensive enough to ensure clients do not forget any assignment details or instructions. The whole process is as easy as 1-2-3.

After filling out the form, you will need to create an account with the best nursing writing service.

Relax, a Writer is Located

When you finish filling out the order form, the nurse writing service manager will begin looking for a writer who is an expert on the specific topic of your assignment.

You are probably wondering how they will choose from the pool of writers; well, the best nursing website for students does have a bidding system like other websites. This work, which can sometimes be exhausting, is passed to the managers.

All you have to do is relax and let them take care of your assignment. They will review the writers based on their expertise and assign the project to the writer who best meets your assignment requirements.

Keep in mind that NurseMyGrade only works with nursing writers who specialize in various nursing topics.

You will be able to see the writer's bio, which includes their qualifications, education level, etc.

This process is easier than you would expect. What you will love most about it is that once the writer is chosen, they will reach out to you directly about your assignment.

Communicate and Coordinate with the Writer

You can begin talking with the writer and coordinate the assignment. The writer will let you know if there are any concerns about the assignment instructions.

What's so refreshing about NurseMyGrade is that there are no hidden charges----meaning the price quoted for your assignment is the exact amount you will pay. What's more, the best nursing writing service offers the following free of charge:

Most nursing writing services will ask you to pay for these "extras," which means you will need to dig a little deeper into your pocket to get the services you need. However, the good thing is NurseMyGrade will not.

Receive Your Paper

Once a competent nursing writer completes your order, you will receive a notification and a link to download it. You will have an opportunity to review the paper to check whether the writer has met all your expectations.

While they tell you to do this, you will be surprised to find out that the Paper you receive will have no errors at all. This is because these writers pay attention to every single detail in your instructions and ensure they follow them to the letter.

We received the paper ordered from NurseMyGrade a day before the deadline. This allowed us enough time to review the work before submission.

Communication with the Writer

When you order a nursing assignment, you are expected to always be in contact with the writer. This way, you can ask about the progress of your paper and provide additional details you might not have shared before.

Will I be able to communicate with the writer at all times? The answer is yes.

While some nursing writing services do not offer this or provide lousy communication, NurseMyGrade has made it easier for clients to keep in contact with their writers at all times.

This means that if you have urgent assignment instructions to relay to your writer, you can do so easily.

Once your assignment is assigned to an expert writer, communication will be opened. You can chat with them through the website. If they don't respond on time, talk to the support to reach the writer via email or phone, and the writer will respond immediately.

We like this approach so much because it makes it easy to keep in contact with the writer at all times. You will be able to provide clarity on the assignment requirements. You can clarify any doubts or concerns to ensure that the writer has a clear understanding of your expectations so that they deliver a customized paper.

Through open communication, you can track the progress of your assignments and ensure everything is in order. Additionally, you can collaborate and brainstorm with the writers and provide your thoughts and signings about the assignments.

We rate this communication at 10/10 because of the clear channels of communication and fast response.

NurseMyGrade Customer Support

Another cool thing about NurseMyGrade is the top-notch customer support. The customer support team is available 24/7. Therefore, whether you are a night owl or an early bird, you can access their services at all times.

This nurse writing service's biggest priority is supporting students and seeing them excel in their studies. That's why all your questions, needs, and concerns will be answered. The service level of support is unmatched by other nursing websites.

The customer representative we talked to was quite helpful.

Most of the clients seeking nursing writing assistance services come from various time zones, so to ensure their needs are catered for, NurseMyGrade ensures they provide 24/7 support.

We like this because if there is a problem, the customer support team can resolve it promptly and effectively. This could be addressing issues about your assignment, requesting revisions for the completed tasks, and handling any other disputes with your work.

The customer support team is also there to offer you a refund in case of any issues with your assignment. They will attentively listen to all your concerns just as if they did us and sort out whatever issues you may have.

We had to test the refund policy by requesting one. Although the response was not as prompt as we would expect, we did get our money back.


We rate the customer support at 8/10. We did not like that they took a day to respond to our refund request. However, we believe they can do better.

Quality Assignment

Whenever you request nursing assignment help services from NurseMyGrade, you can expect high-quality assignments. In addition to being attentive to details, writers at the best nursing writing service are experts in different nursing topics.

The nursing writers specialize in different topics, making them experts. They do this to ensure that every Paper is accurate and up to date. You can communicate with the support team through the live chat at the bottom right corner of your screen. We reached out about issues with the assignment, and they were kind enough to help almost immediately.

Therefore, there is no need to lose sleep over your essay, research paper, or any other nursing assignment by wondering about the quality of the paper.

In addition, if you need to confirm their expertise before hiring them, you can ask for samples. NurseMyGrade provides samples for some of their work. You can review these samples and gauge their level of writing quality.

Overall, when you hire them and receive your Paper, you will notice how meticulously the assignment has been written. All the instructions will be followed right from the title page to the reference list section. Human writers write all papers. We do not tolerate AI-generated content. The writers research and discover peer-reviewed nursing journal articles published within the last 5 years and use the insights to write papers on various nursing paper topics. Besides, we format the papers in APA, Harvard, ASA, AMA, or any other format that your professor or tutor wants.

Experienced Writers

Writers at NurseMyGrade are not newbies to writing. After years of school, learning different nursing topics, and writing about various topics, these writers have mastered their craft, which is evident in all of their work.

Before being hired, NurseMyGrade vetted the writers, ensuring they had what it takes to write a high-quality nursing paper. This means there is no second-guessing or writing a low-grade paper; every paper you receive from them will be of high quality and will help you get a good grade in school.

The hiring process is extremely tough. In fact, according to the website, only a small percentage of those who apply to the website is hired. This shows you how competitive the hiring process is. You must prove that you have what it takes to write and submit high-quality papers.

You also do not have to worry about the level of English these writers use. All their writers are native English speakers with a minimum of three years of writing experience.

When applying for a writing position, all applicants must pass an English test and demonstrate high standards of nursing writing, which proves their proficiency. This proficiency will be shown in their work.

The assignment we ordered had no grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. This is a good thing, as academic papers require high standards.

We give NurseMyGrade a 10/10 for high-quality assignments from experienced writers. 

We did some digging and realized that the writers had helped many non-traditional nursing students stand on their feet. After their first order, they would catch up with paper writing skills as the papers are largely well done.

Assignment Clarity

What about assignment clarity, you ask? Well, you will be pleased to know that every assignment from NurseMyGrade will meet all your standards.

The assignment we ordered from the best nursing writing services did not contain poorly constructed sentences or redundant words and phrases. Each sentence made sense on its own and was relevant to the topic under discussion.

We had to reread the assignment 3 times to ensure we didn't miss any errors, and to our surprise, everything was okay. 

From our experience, we give clarity of assignment at 9/10.

Assignment Cost and Price

Here is a myth that if NurseMyGrade is the best service out there and promises all this, then it must cost a lot, right? Wrong, to our surprise, the costs were quite reasonable. This means that if you are in search of a high-quality, budget-friendly service, you have found one.

The assignment we ordered from the best nursing writing service cost us $23. This is what they charge for a two-page assignment, which means the cost per page is only $11.5.

However, there is a catch. This price is only valid for assignments with a deadline of 14 days or more. Shorter deadlines attract a higher price per page.

You may wonder why NurseMyGrade charges such low prices, considering other platforms charge exorbitant prices for nursing papers. Well, the truth is that NurseMyGrade believes that every student, regardless of their financial status, deserves good grades. They understand that students worldwide have a monthly budget and can't afford to overspend on what they don't have.

So whether you have deep pockets or not, you can order a nursing essay assignment from them and receive a high-quality paper at a price you can comfortably pay.

Plus, NurseMyGrade offers 15% discounts to first-time clients. You will also get a discount when you refer new clients to the website.

What's interesting is that this is a lifelong deal, which means it will stay valid until you need it.

Another thing we liked about NurseMyGrade is that they have provided key information on what determines their pricing. This honesty allows us to trust them as our go-to nursing writing service. Most websites are not honest about their pricing and will try to sneak in some additional charges, which is wrong.

In addition, NurseMyGrade's payment system is that once you pay for your assignment, the money is deposited in your NurseMyGrade account and only released to the writer once all your expectations have been met.

This is a great deal that gives you peace of mind. Whether your assignment was done to perfection or not, you won't feel like you lost your money. NurseMyGrade will refund your money when your expectations haven't been met. Check out their refund policy to learn more about this.

The pricing rate is 9/10. We felt the price was quite affordable.

Smooth and Safe  Payment System

It was so easy for us to pay for the services. NurseMyGrade offers the following payment options: PayPal, Mastercard,  and Visa.

At first, we were a bit worried about losing our money, but it turns out the best nursing writing services have put in place measures to ensure your money is safe.

Fast Turnaround Time

When you hire the help of a professional, the expectation is that you will receive a high-quality paper within the deadline. Well, NurseMyGrade believes in this, too, which is why you should not expect your assignment past the deadline.

The writers from the best nursing writing services understand that a high-quality nursing paper is not enough; it must also be submitted on time.

What was surprising, however, was that one could even choose a 2-month deadline or a 2-hour deadline for an assignment. The two-month deadline surprised us because no student would really order an assignment of such length. Most students we know would request an order with, at most, a two-week deadline.

The good thing is, no matter how urgent your assignment is, you can trust expert writers from NurseMyGrade. They will deliver a top-notch assignment on time.

As mentioned, we received our order a day before the assignment was due. This assured us that even when you have an urgent assignment with a 3-hour deadline, your assignment will be done to perfection.

However, all urgent assignments come with a price. You will have to dig deeper into your pockets to have your assignment delivered by such a short deadline. This is because the writer working on the Paper will likely have to drop what they are doing and work on your Paper. So, they need to be compensated for the extra time and the urgent delivery of the tasks.

For the first turnaround time, we give NurseMyGrade a solid 10/10 for how quickly they delivered a high-quality paper.

Key Plagiarism Policies

One of the biggest concerns students have when hiring nursing writing services is plagiarism. If any of your assignments have been plagiarised, you could face serious consequences, from getting a low grade to disqualification from the course or subject. For this reason, your work must always be unique and original.

NurseMyGrade follows key plagiarism policies at every stage. This means the writers won't jeopardize your assignment or education.

What we found out from this nurse writing service is that the assignment was 100% original. All our work is written from scratch. We had to confirm it for ourselves more than once. All the writers ensure that their work is authentic, thus helping students avoid plagiarism.

According to NurseMyGrade, all the writers conduct thorough research for every topic and write the paper from scratch to ensure they provide top nursing papers.

Therefore, you can rely on them for all your assignments without the worry of plagiarized content.

Plus, the best nursing writing service offers a free plagiarism report to prove the originality of the assignment. You can request this report after they have handed in your assessment.

We place their plagiarism at 9/10. This is because the plagiarism policies ensured that no one would know we seek assignment help.

             Privacy and Confidentiality

One of our biggest concerns, when we ordered nursing assignment help services from NurseMyGrade, was whether our information would be shared with third parties.

The nurse writing service ensures all your information is strictly hidden and kept private from your classmates, professors, and institutions.

Strict privacy rules guide the best nursing writing service. All writers are required to sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) when they agree to work for the service. This agreement prevents them from sharing any of your information with unauthorized persons.

We rate the service's privacy and confidentiality at 10/10.

A Range of Services

Another cool thing that we found out about NurseMyGrade is that they provide a range of services to all of their clients. Besides writing top nursing papers, they offer tutoring and mentorship to solve all your nursing paper problems.

The aim is to improve your grades, no matter how low they might seem. By tutoring, the experts will provide online classes on specific topics that are giving you a hard time.

NurseMyGrade offers mentorships to students who feel like they have lost interest or passion in nursing.

We also noticed that the nurse writing service has rewriting services. If you have begun working on your assignment but don't feel like it is up to the right standard, you can ask the expert writers to refine it.

We give this a 9/10 because sometimes you may need to get all your nursing assignment needs in one place instead of moving around to multiple services.

NurseMyGrade Review – Final Thoughts

Overall, we loved our whole experience at NurseMyGrade, and we would definitely try it again for all our nursing assignment needs. The smooth ordering process and the competent writers who deliver high-quality assignments within the deadline truly deserve your time and money.

So, what rating does the nurse writing service have overall? Considering our experience with services, we give it a solid 9/10.

Whenever you need their assistance, you can reach out to them or place an order and get the help you need ASAP.

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only $12 / page

NurseMyGrades is being relied upon by thousands of students worldwide to ace their nursing studies. We offer high quality sample papers that help students in their revision as well as helping them remain abreast of what is expected of them.

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