Principlism Essay: Exploring How to Write Ethics Papers in Nursing

brandon-l Written by Brandon L.
February 23, 202412 min read

Writing a Principlism essay, as part of a series of nursing assignments, exposes you to a new ethical realm. It entails applying the four principles of bioethics (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice) to solving ethical issues in clinical settings. A common argument, especially in the United States, is that the principle of autonomy has been given a higher consideration because it rumps all the other bioethical values or principles. This notwithstanding, all the ethical principles have a role to play. We have seen principlism essays that require the integration of Christian biblical narrative, which further confuses students. If that is your case, you can follow our comprehensive guide on including scriptures in your nursing paper.

In this guide, we take you through the step-by-step process for writing a principlism essay, the tips to use, and some other insights that will be useful when writing this important paper.

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What is Principlism?

Principlism is an ethical framework used commonly in bioethics, especially in healthcare. It offers a structured approach to ethical decision-making by emphasizing the four foundational principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. These principles act as a guideline for solving ethical dilemmas and decision-making in healthcare. Let us explore the principles:

Principlism offers a flexible framework for solving a wide range of ethical dilemmas in healthcare. As a nursing practitioner or student, you can use these principles to guide your ethical reasoning and decision-making while respecting your patients' or clients' preferences and values. You get to consider the ethical implications of your actions and strive to be morally sound in your solutions by upholding the four principles.

Steps for Writing a Principlism Essay

A principlism essay is an ethics essay where you center your arguments on bioethics principles (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice). If you are assigned this paper, here are some steps you should follow.

Read the Assignment Prompt

You need to read the prompt or instructions from your professor. Sometimes, the prompt can present a case scenario or a question related to the four principles. You should read the case scenario carefully to understand the ethical dilemma presented. Otherwise, if you are to reflect on a clinical practice scenario, you should choose a case scenario that presents an ethical dilemma that you can analyze from the lenses of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. As you read or imagine, identify the principles at stake in the scenario. If it is an essay exploring a principlism topic, go in-depth. You should also identify the key stakeholders, their interests, and the ethical principles (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice).

Choose a Good Topic

Choosing a great essay topic is a critical step. If given a case scenario, think of how to title your essay. The same applies to when you are given an essay question on principlism. Otherwise, if you must develop a principlism topic and research it, select a topic that makes sense.

Ensure that the topic is relevant to your nursing education journey, interests you, and has adequate resources to address it.

Selecting a great topic is a huge responsibility because it can make or break your grades. Do not go too narrow or broad when selecting a topic; be moderate with your selection.

Our nursing essay writing service can be useful if you are unsure about a good topic.

Research and Gather Information

Research to gather relevant information, including background context, relevant laws or regulations, and any ethical guidelines or principles that apply to the situation.

When researching, which will consume most of the time, focus on finding up-to-date information useful in the paper. Focus on sources published in the last five years and are peer-reviewed.

When you spot an example or point you could use to illustrate an idea, highlight or note it. Ensure you highlight credible evidence, such as facts, statistics, and examples, which will be useful in writing the paper and in-text citations.

Outline Your Essay

Create an outline to organize your thoughts and structure your essay effectively. Outline the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, and identify the main points you want to cover in each section.

Write the First Draft

Here are the steps to develop your first draft of your principlism essay.

Begin with the Introduction

Start with an engaging introduction that presents the main idea of the entire essay so that your audience understands the issue at hand. You may begin the essay using statistics, quotes, or facts related to the context of your topic.

The essay introduction should provide background information on the ethical dilemma and present the main argument or thesis statement of your essay.

The introduction should briefly introduce the ethical principles of principlism and explain their relevance to the case you will discuss. Include a thesis statement highlighting the main argument you will support in the body paragraphs.

Develop the Body Paragraphs

After the introduction paragraph, develop the body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph should focus on one aspect of the ethical dilemma or one principle. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point or argument of the paragraph.

Provide evidence, examples, and analysis to support your arguments and illustrate how the ethical principle applies to the case. Consider potential counterarguments and address them in your discussion.

Your body paragraphs should also apply principlism in analyzing the ethical dilemma. Discuss how each principle is relevant to the case and how they may conflict or complement each other. Explore different perspectives and consider the implications of each principle for the stakeholders involved.

Ensure that you include the relevant in-text citations as you write to avoid confusing sources.

Conclude the Essay

Finally, write the conclusion. Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. Reflect on the ethical implications of the case and the significance of applying principlism in nursing practice. Offer recommendations or suggestions for addressing the ethical dilemma and resolving conflicts between competing principles.

Edit, Revise, and Proofread

After the first draft, take a break from the paper. You can watch a show, go outside for a walk, or listen to music.

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow when done.

Check for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure your writing is concise and well-organized. Consider how you have used transition words and sentences in your essay. Ensure that each in-text citation has a parent full reference in the reference list.

Include any information you need to include in the essay but not in the body, such as a diagram or flow chart, in the appendices.

Consider seeking feedback from peers, instructors, or writing tutors to improve your principlism essay further. You can also use a professional editor online to review and grade your essay before you submit it.

Avoid using AI when writing your essay because you will end up with the same content as your peers who probably used it. We prefer the old way of researching to gather information and typing the essay bit by bit.

Finalize your Essay and Submit

In this final step, make necessary revisions based on feedback and proofread your essay. Ensure that your essay adheres to any formatting guidelines or requirements specified by your instructor. If given a rubric, assess your essay against it and make necessary changes. If everything is great, submit your essay on time and with confidence in your work.

By following these seven steps, we are certain that you will write a principlism essay that covers all the aspects your professor looks forward to reading.

Principlism Essay Topics for Nursing Students

Below are some topics and ideas on the ethical dilemmas or issues that are relevant to nursing practice that are relevant to nursing to help you write your principlism essay.

  1. Patient's right to refuse treatment (autonomy)
  2. End-of-life care decisions (beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  3. Confidentiality in healthcare (autonomy, justice)
  4. Resource allocation and distributive justice
  5. Informed consent (autonomy)
  6. Advanced directives (autonomy)
  7. Organ transplantation and allocation (justice)
  8. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  9. Genetic testing and counseling (autonomy, beneficence, justice)
  10. Healthcare disparities and access to care (justice)
  11. Patient advocacy (autonomy, beneficence)
  12. Truth-telling and breaking bad news (autonomy, beneficence)
  13. Clinical trial ethics (justice)
  14. Conflict of interest in healthcare (justice)
  15. Nursing research ethics (beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  16. DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders (autonomy)
  17. Futility of treatment (beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  18. Cultural competency in healthcare (justice)
  19. Patient safety (beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  20. Mental health and involuntary treatment (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence)
  21. The Role of Autonomy in Patient Decision-Making: A Case Study Analysis
  22. Ethical Implications of Withholding Treatment: Applying the Principle of Nonmaleficence
  23. Cultural Competence in Nursing: Balancing Autonomy and Beneficence
  24. Justice in Healthcare Resource Allocation: Addressing Disparities in Access to Care
  25. Informed Consent: Exploring the Intersection of Autonomy and Beneficence
  26. End-of-Life Care: Ethical Considerations in Palliative Care Nursing
  27. Nursing Advocacy: Promoting Patient Rights and Dignity
  28. Genetic Testing and Counseling: Ethical Challenges for Nursing Practice
  29. Confidentiality vs. Disclosure: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Patient Confidentiality
  30. Patient Safety and Error Disclosure: Applying Principlism in Adverse Event Management
  31. Nurse-Patient Relationships: Striking a Balance between Professionalism and Empathy
  32. Allocating Scarce Resources during Public Health Emergencies: A Justice-Based Approach
  33. Advanced Directives: Honoring Patient Autonomy in End-of-Life Decision-Making
  34. Mental Health Nursing: Ethical Considerations in Involuntary Hospitalization and Treatment
  35. Organ Donation and Transplantation: Ethical Challenges for Nursing Practice
  36. Pediatric Nursing: Ethical Considerations in Pediatric End-of-Life Care
  37. Conflict of Interest in Nursing Practice: Maintaining Professional Integrity
  38. Nursing Research Ethics: Ensuring Patient Safety and Informed Consent
  39. Health Disparities in Maternal and Child Health: Justice-Based Approaches to Improve Equity
  40. Nursing in Global Health: Ethical Challenges in Providing Care Across Cultures and Contexts
  41. Is the principle of autonomy placed higher than other bioethical principles?
  42. The link between bioethical principles and nursing ethics.
  43. Can autonomy-based bioethics promote social justice and population health?

Final Remarks!

As nursing students or professionals, we must continuously reflect on our practice, engage in ethical discourse, and remain vigilant in upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct. By applying principlism in our daily practice, we can ensure that we prioritize the well-being and autonomy of our patients while striving to promote justice and equity in healthcare delivery.

As you embark on your journey in nursing, remember that ethical decision-making is not always straightforward. Each situation presents unique challenges, and it is okay to seek guidance and support from colleagues, mentors, and ethical committees when faced with difficult decisions.

When writing a reflective, argumentative/persuasive, or exploratory principlism essay, ensure that you follow the steps we have discussed. Principlism is an important aspect of nursing ethics; you will write many essays on it.

If all you need is help with your principlism essay, place an order or talk to our experts to help you place an order. We have experienced online nursing essay writers you can trust to deliver non-AI-generated, human-written, and top-quality nursing papers.

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