PICOT Question Examples for Nursing Research

brandon-l Written by Brandon L.
August 17, 202314 min read

Are you looking for examples of nursing PICOT questions to inspire your creativity as you research for a perfect nursing topic for your paper? You came to the right place.

We have a comprehensive guide on how to write a good PICO Question for your case study, research paper, white paper, term paper, project, or capstone paper. Therefore, we will not go into the details in this post. A good PICOT question possesses the following qualities:

For more information, read our comprehensive PICOT Question guide. You can use these questions to inspire your PICOT choice for your evidence-based papers, reports, or nursing research papers.

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List of 180 Plus Best PICOT Questions to Get Inspiration From

Here is a list of nursing PICO questions to inspire you when developing yours. Some PICOT questions might be suitable for BSN and MSN but not DNP. If you are writing a change project for your DNP, try to focus on PICOT questions that align to process changes. 

  1. Among healthy newborn infants in low- and middle-income countries (P), does early skin-to-skin contact of the baby with the mother in the first hour of life (I) compared with drying and wrapping (C) have an impact on neonatal mortality, hypothermia or initiation/exclusivity/ duration of breastfeeding (O)?
  2. Is it necessary to test blood glucose levels 4 times daily for a patient suffering from Type 1 diabetes?
  3. Does raising the head of the bed of a mechanically ventilated patient reduce the chances of pneumonia?
  4. Does music therapy is an effective mode of PACU pain management for patients who are slowly coming out from their anesthesia?
  5. For all neonates (P), should vitamin K prophylaxis (I) be given for the prevention of vitamin K deficiency bleeding (O)?
  6. For young infants (0-2 months) with suspected sepsis managed in health facilities (P), should third generation cephalosporin monotherapy (I) replace currently recommended ampicillin-gentamicin combination (C) as first line empiric treatment for preventing death and sequelae (O)?
  7. In low-birth-weight/pre-term neonates in health facilities (P), is skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth (I) more effective than conventional care (C) in preventing hypothermia (O)?
  8. In children aged 259 months (P), what is the most effective antibiotic therapy (I, C) for severe pneumonia (O)?
  9. Is skin-to-skin contact of the infant with the mother a more assured way of ensuring neonatal mortality compared to drying and wrapping?
  10. Are oral contraceptives effective in stopping pregnancy for women above 30 years?
  11. Is spironolactone a better drug for reducing the blood pressure of teenagers when compared to clonidine?
  12. What is the usefulness of an LP/spinal tap after the beginning of antivirals for a pediatric population suffering from fever?
  13. In children aged 259 months in developing countries (P), which parenteral antibiotic or combination of antibiotics (I), at what dose and duration, is effective for the treatment of suspected bacterial meningitis in hospital in reducing mortality and sequelae (O)?
  14. Does the habit of washing hands third-generation workers decrease the events of infections in hospitals?
  15. Is the intake of zinc pills more effective than Vitamin C for preventing cold during winter for middle-aged women?
  16. In children with acute severe malnutrition (P), are antibiotics (I) effective in preventing death and sequelae (O)?
  17. Among, children with lower respiratory tract infection (P), what are the best cut off oxygen saturation levels (D), at different altitudes that will determine hypoxaemia requiring oxygen therapy (O)?
  18. In infants and children in low-resource settings (P), what is the most appropriate method (D) of detecting hypoxaemia in hospitals (O)?
  19. In children with shock (P), what is the most appropriate choice of intravenous fluid therapy (I) to prevent death and sequelae (O)?
  20. In fully conscious children with hypoglycaemia (P) what is the effectiveness of administering sublingual sugar (I)?
  21. Among, children with lower respiratory tract infection (P), what are the best cut off oxygen saturation levels (D), at different altitudes that will determine hypoxaemia requiring oxygen therapy (O)?
  22. Is using toys as distractions during giving needle vaccinations to toddlers an effective pain response management?
  23. What is the result of a higher amount of potassium intake among children with low blood pressure?
  24. Is cup feeding an infant better than feeding through tubes in a NICU setup?
  25. Does the intervention of flushing the heroin via lines a more effective way of treating patients with CVLs/PICCs?
  26. Is the use of intravenous fluid intervention a better remedy for infants under fatal conditions?
  27. Do bedside shift reports help in the overall patient care for nurses?
  28. Is home visitation a better way of dealing with teen pregnancy when compared to regular school visits in rural areas?
  29. Is fentanyl more effective than morphine in dealing with the pain of adults over the age of 50 years?
  30. What are the health outcomes of having a high amount of potassium for adults over the age of 21 years?
  31. Does the use of continuous feed during emesis a more effective way of intervention when compared to the process of stopping the feed for a short period?
  32. Does controlling the amount of sublingual sugar help completely conscious children suffering from hypoglycemia?
  33. Is the lithotomy position an ideal position for giving birth to women in labor?
  34. Does group therapy help patients with schizophrenia to help their conversational skills?
  35. What are the probable after-effects, in the form of bruises and other injuries, of heparin injection therapy for COPD patients?
  36. Would standardized discharge medication education improve home medication adherence in adults age 65 and older compared to-standardized discharge medication education?
  37. In patients with psychiatric disorders is medication non-compliance a greater risk compared with adults experiencing chronic illness?
  38. Is the use of beta-blockers for lowering blood pressure for adult men over the age of 70 years effective?
  39. Nasal swab or nasal aspirate? Which one is more effective for children suffering from seasonal flu?
  40. What are the effects of adding beta-blockers for lowering blood pressure for adult men over the age of 70 years?
  41. Does the process of stopping lipids for 4 hours an effective measure of obtaining the desired TG level for patients who are about to receive TPN?
  42. Is medical intervention a proper way of dealing with childhood obesity among school-going children?
  43. Can nurse-led presentations of mental health associated with bullying help in combating such tendencies in public schools?
  44. What are the impacts of managing Prevacid before a pH probe study for pediatric patients with GERD?
  45. What are the measurable effects of extending ICU stays and antibiotic consumption amongst children with sepsis?
  46. Does the use of infrared skin thermometers justified when compared to the tympanic thermometers for a pediatric population?
  47. What are the roles of a pre-surgery cardiac nurse in order to prevent depression among patients awaiting cardiac operation?
  48. Does the increase in the habit of smoking marijuana among Dutch students increase the chances of depression?
  49. What is the direct connection between VAP and NGT?
  50. Is psychological intervention for people suffering from dementia a more effective measure than giving them a placebo?
  51. Are alarm sensors effective in preventing accidents in hospitals for patients over the age of 65 years?
  52. Is the sudden change of temperature harmful for patients who are neurologically devastated?
  53. Is it necessary to test blood glucose levels, 4 times a day, for a patient suffering from Type 1 diabetes?
  54. Is the use of MDI derive better results, when compared to regular nebulizers, for pediatric patients suffering from asthma?
  55. What are the effects of IVF bolus in controlling the amount of Magnesium Sulfate for patients who are suffering from asthma?
  56. Is the process of stopping lipids for 4 hours an effective measure of obtaining the desired TG level for patients who are about to receive TPN?
  57. Is the process of stopping lipids for 4 hours an effective measure of obtaining the desired TG level for patients who are about to receive TPN?
  58. What are the standards of vital signs for a pediatric population?
  59. Is daily blood pressure monitoring help in addressing the triggers of hypertension among males over 65 years?
  60. Does receiving phone tweets lower blood sugar levels for people suffering from Type 1 diabetes?
  61. Are males over the age of 30 years who have smoked for more than 1 year exposed to a greater risk of esophageal cancer when compared to the same age group of men who have no history of smoking?
  62. Does the increase in the use of mosquito nets in Uganda help in the reduction of malaria among the infants?
  63. Does the increase in the intake of oral contraceptives increase the chances of breast cancer among 20-30 years old women in the UK?
  64. In postpartum women with postnatal depression (P), does group therapy (I) compared to individual therapy (C) improve maternal-infant bonding (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  65. In patients with chronic pain (P), does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (I) compared to pharmacotherapy (C) improve quality of life (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  66. In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does continuous glucose monitoring (I) compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of three months (T)?
  67. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a vegetarian diet (I) compared to a regular diet (C) slow the decline in renal function (O) after one year (T)?
  68. In pediatric patients with acute otitis media (P), does delayed antibiotic prescribing (I) compared to immediate antibiotic prescribing (C) reduce antibiotic use (O) within one week (T)?
  69. In older adults with dementia (P), does pet therapy (I) compared to no pet therapy (C) decrease agitation (O) after three months (T)?
  70. In patients with chronic heart failure (P), does telemonitoring of vital signs (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce hospital readmissions (O) within six months (T)?
  71. In patients with anxiety disorders (P), does exposure therapy (I) compared to cognitive therapy (C) reduce anxiety symptoms (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  72. In postpartum women with breastfeeding difficulties (P), does lactation consultation (I) compared to standard care (C) increase breastfeeding rates (O) after four weeks (T)?
  73. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does long-acting bronchodilator therapy (I) compared to short-acting bronchodilator therapy (C) improve lung function (O) after three months (T)?
  74. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does bright light therapy (I) compared to placebo (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after six weeks (T)?
  75. In patients with diabetes (P), does telemedicine-based diabetes management (I) compared to standard care (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  76. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a low-phosphorus diet (I) compared to a regular diet (C) decrease serum phosphate levels (O) after one year (T)?
  77. In pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis (P), does probiotic supplementation (I) compared to placebo (C) reduce the duration of diarrhea (O) within 48 hours (T)?
  78. In patients with chronic pain (P), does acupuncture (I) compared to sham acupuncture (C) reduce pain intensity (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  79. In older adults at risk of falls (P), does a home modification program (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce the incidence of falls (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  80. In patients with schizophrenia (P), does cognitive remediation therapy (I) compared to standard therapy (C) improve cognitive function (O) after one year (T)?
  81. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (I) compared to angiotensin receptor blockers (C) slow the progression of renal disease (O) over a period of two years (T)?
  82. In postoperative patients (P), does chlorhexidine bathing (I) compared to regular bathing (C) reduce the risk of surgical site infections (O) within 30 days (T)?
  83. In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (I) compared to a low-fat diet (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  84. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does pulmonary rehabilitation combined with telemonitoring (I) compared to standard pulmonary rehabilitation (C) improve exercise capacity (O) after three months (T)?
  85. In patients with heart failure (P), does a nurse-led heart failure clinic (I) compared to usual care (C) improve self-care behaviors (O) after six months (T)?
  86. In postpartum women with postnatal depression (P), does telephone-based counseling (I) compared to face-to-face counseling (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  87. In patients with chronic migraine (P), does prophylactic treatment with topiramate (I) compared to amitriptyline (C) reduce the frequency of migraines (O) after three months (T)?
  88. In pediatric patients with acute otitis media (P), does watchful waiting (I) compared to immediate antibiotic treatment (C) reduce the duration of symptoms (O) within seven days (T)?
  89. In older adults with dementia (P), does reminiscence therapy (I) compared to usual care (C) improve cognitive function (O) after three months (T)?
  90. In patients with chronic heart failure (P), does telemonitoring combined with a medication reminder system (I) compared to telemonitoring alone (C) reduce hospital readmissions (O) within six months (T)?
  91. In patients with asthma (P), does self-management education (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce asthma exacerbations (O) over a period of one year (T)?
  92. In postoperative patients (P), does the use of wound dressings with antimicrobial properties (I) compared to standard dressings (C) reduce the incidence of surgical site infections (O) within 30 days (T)?
  93. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does mindfulness-based stress reduction (I) compared to usual care (C) improve psychological well-being (O) over a period of three months (T)?
  94. In adult patients with chronic pain (P), does biofeedback therapy (I) compared to relaxation techniques (C) reduce pain intensity (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  95. In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does a low-glycemic index diet (I) compared to a high-glycemic-index diet (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  96. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does regular physical activity (I) compared to no physical activity (C) improve health-related quality of life (O) after three months (T)?
  97. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (I) compared to antidepressant medication (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  98. In postpartum women (P), does perineal warm compresses (I) compared to standard perineal care (C) reduce perineal pain (O) after vaginal delivery (T)?
  99. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a low-protein, low-phosphorus diet (I) compared to a low-protein diet alone (C) slow the progression of renal disease(O) after two years (T)?
  100. In pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (P), does mindfulness-based interventions (I) compared to medication alone (C) improve attention and behavior (O) after six months (T)?
  101. In patients with chronic pain (P), does cognitive-behavioral therapy (I) compared to physical therapy (C) reduce pain interference (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  102. In elderly patients with osteoarthritis (P), does aquatic exercise (I) compared to land-based exercise (C) improve joint flexibility and reduce pain (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  103. In patients with multiple sclerosis (P), does high-intensity interval training (I) compared to moderate-intensity continuous training (C) improve physical function (O) after three months (T)?
  104. In postoperative patients (P), does preoperative carbohydrate loading (I) compared to fasting (C) reduce postoperative insulin resistance (O) within 24 hours (T)?
  105. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does home-based tele-rehabilitation (I) compared to center-based rehabilitation (C) improve exercise capacity (O) after six months (T)?
  106. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (P), does tai chi (I) compared to pharmacological treatment (C) reduce joint pain and improve physical function (O) after six months (T)?
  107. In postpartum women with postpartum hemorrhage (P), does early administration of tranexamic acid (I) compared to standard administration (C) reduce blood loss (O) within two hours (T)?
  108. In patients with hypertension (P), does mindfulness meditation (I) compared to relaxation techniques (C) reduce blood pressure (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  109. In elderly patients with hip fractures (P), does multidisciplinary geriatric care (I) compared to standard care (C) improve functional outcomes (O) after three months (T)?
  110. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does aerobic exercise (I) compared to resistance exercise (C) improve renal function (O) after six months (T)?
  111. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does add-on treatment with omega-3 fatty acids (I) compared to placebo (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  112. In postoperative patients (P), does preoperative education using multimedia materials (I) compared to standard education (C) improve patient satisfaction (O) after surgery (T)?
  113. In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does a plant-based diet (I) compared to a standard diet (C) improve glycemic control (O) after three months (T)?
  114. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does high-flow oxygen therapy (I) compared to standard oxygen therapy (C) improve exercise tolerance (O) after three months (T)?
  115. In patients with heart failure (P), does nurse-led telephone follow-up (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce hospital readmissions (O) within six months (T)?
  116. In postpartum women with postnatal depression (P), does online cognitive-behavioral therapy (I) compared to face-to-face therapy (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  117. In patients with chronic migraine (P), does mindfulness-based stress reduction (I) compared to medication alone (C) reduce the frequency and severity of migraines (O) after three months (T)?
  118. In older adults with delirium (P), does structured music intervention (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce the duration of delirium episodes (O) during hospitalization (T)?
  119. In patients with chronic low back pain (P), does yoga (I) compared to physical therapy (C) reduce pain intensity (O) after six weeks (T)?
  120. In pediatric patients with acute otitis media (P), does watchful waiting with pain management (I) compared to immediate antibiotic treatment (C) reduce the need for antibiotics (O) within one week (T)?
  121. In patients with schizophrenia (P), does family psychoeducation (I) compared to standard treatment (C) improve medication adherence (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  122. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a low-phosphorus diet (I) compared to a regular diet (C) slow the progression of renal disease (O) after one year (T)?
  123. In postoperative patients (P), does wound irrigation with saline solution (I) compared to povidone-iodine solution (C) reduce the incidence of surgical site infections (O) within 30 days (T)?
  124. In patients with type 1 diabetes (P), does continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (I) compared to multiple daily injections (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  125. In postoperative patients (P), does the use of prophylactic antibiotics (I) compared to no antibiotics (C) reduce the incidence of surgical site infections (O) within 30 days (T)?
  126. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does smoking cessation counseling (I) compared to no counseling (C) decrease the frequency of exacerbations (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  127. In patients with diabetes (P), does a multidisciplinary team approach (I) compared to standard care (C) improve self-management behaviors (O) over a period of one year (T)?
  128. In pregnant women with gestational hypertension (P), does bed rest (I) compared to regular activity (C) reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia (O) before delivery (T)?
  129. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (I) compared to placebo (C) slow the progression of renal disease (O) over a period of two years (T)?
  130. In older adults with hip fractures (P), does early surgical intervention (I) compared to delayed surgery (C) improve functional outcomes (O) after six months (T)?
  131. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does exercise (I) compared to antidepressant medication (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  132. In children with autism spectrum disorder (P), does applied behavior analysis (I) compared to standard therapy (C) improve social communication skills (O) over a period of one year (T)?
  133. In patients with chronic pain (P), does mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (I) compared to pharmacotherapy (C) improve quality of life (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  134. In postoperative patients (P), does the use of incentive spirometry (I) compared to no spirometry (C) decrease the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications (O) within seven days (T)?
  135. In patients with hypertension (P), does a combination of diet modification and exercise (I) compared to medication alone (C) lower blood pressure (O) after six months (T)?
  136. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does home oxygen therapy (I) compared to no oxygen therapy (C) improve exercise capacity (O) after threemonths (T)?
  137. In patients with heart failure (P), does a multidisciplinary heart failure management program (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce hospital readmissions (O) within six months (T)?
  138. In postpartum women with postnatal depression (P), does mindfulness meditation (I) compared to relaxation techniques (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  139. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a low-sodium diet (I) compared to a regular diet (C) lower blood pressure (O) after six months (T)?
  140. In pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (P), does neurofeedback training (I) compared to medication (C) improve attention and behavior (O) after six months (T)?
  141. In patients with chronic pain (P), does transcranial direct current stimulation (I) compared to sham stimulation (C) reduce pain intensity (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  142. In older adults with osteoporosis (P), does a structured exercise program (I) compared to no exercise (C) improve bone mineral density (O) after six months (T)?
  143. In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet (I) compared to a standard diet (C) improve glycemic control (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  144. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does mindfulness-based stress reduction (I) compared to usual care (C) improve dyspnea symptoms (O) after three months (T)?
  145. In postpartum women with postnatal depression (P), does online peer support (I) compared to individual therapy (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  146. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does resistance training (I) compared to aerobic training (C) improve muscle strength (O) after six months (T)?
  147. In pediatric patients with asthma (P), does a written asthma action plan (I) compared to verbal instructions (C) reduce emergency department visits (O) within six months (T)?
  148. In patients with chronic pain (P), does yoga (I) compared to pharmacological treatment (C) reduce pain interference (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  149. In older adults at risk of falls (P), does a multifactorial falls prevention program (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce the rate of falls (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  150. In patients with schizophrenia (P), does cognitive-behavioral therapy (I) compared to medication alone (C) reduce positive symptom severity (O) after six months (T)?
  151. In postpartum women with breastfeeding difficulties (P), does breast massage (I) compared to no massage (C) improve milk flow (O) after four weeks (T)?
  152. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does long-term oxygen therapy (I) compared to short-term oxygen therapy (C) improve survival rates (O) after one year (T)?
  153. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (I) compared to sham treatment (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after six weeks (T)?
  154. In patients with diabetes (P), does a digital health app (I) compared to standard care (C) improve medication adherence (O) over a period of six months (T)?
  155. In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), does a low-potassium diet (I) compared to a regular diet (C) lower serum potassium levels (O) after one year (T)?
  156. In pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis (P), does oral rehydration solution (I) compared to intravenous fluid therapy (C) reduce hospital admissions (O) within 48 hours (T)?
  157. In patients with chronic pain (P), does hypnotherapy (I) compared to no hypnotherapy (C) reduce pain intensity (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  158. In older adults at risk of falls (P), does a tai chi program (I) compared to no exercise program (C) improve balance and stability (O) after six months (T)?
  159. In patients with chronic heart failure (P), does a home-based self-care intervention (I) compared to standard care (C) reduce hospital readmissions (O) within six months (T)?
  160. In patients with anxiety disorders (P), does acceptance and commitment therapy (I) compared to cognitive-behavioral therapy (C) reduce anxiety symptoms (O) after 12 weeks (T)?
  161. In postpartum women with breastfeeding difficulties (P), does the use of nipple shields (I) compared to no nipple shields (C) improve breastfeeding success (O) after four weeks (T)?
  162. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P), does a comprehensive self-management program (I) compared to usual care (C) improve health-related quality of life (O) after three months (T)?
  163. In patients with major depressive disorder (P), does internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (I) compared to face-to-face therapy (C) reduce depressive symptoms (O) after eight weeks (T)?
  164. Does the increase in the habit of smoking marijuana among Dutch students increase the likelihood of depression?
  165. Does the use of pain relief medication during surgery provide more effective pain reduction compared to the same medication given post-surgery?
  166. Does the increase in the intake of oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer among women aged 20-30 in the UK?
  167. Does the habit of washing hands among healthcare workers decrease the rate of infections in hospitals?
  168. Does the use of modern syringes help in reducing needle injuries among healthcare workers in America?
  169. Does encouraging male work colleagues to talk about sexual harassment decrease the rate of depression in the workplace?
  170. Does bullying in boarding schools in Scotland increase the likelihood of domestic violence within a 20-year timeframe?
  171. Does breastfeeding among toddlers in urban United States decrease their chances of obesity as pre-schoolers?
  172. Does the increase in the intake of antidepressants among urban women aged 30 years and older affect their maternal health?
  173. Does the increase in the habit of smoking marijuana among Dutch students increase the likelihood of depression?
  174. Does the use of pain relief medication during surgery provide more effective pain reduction compared to the same medication given post-surgery?
  175. Does forming work groups to discuss domestic violence among the rural population of the United States reduce stress and depression among women?
  176. Does receiving phone tweets lower blood sugar levels for people suffering from Type 1 diabetes?
  177. Does the increased use of mosquito nets in Uganda help in reducing malaria cases among infants?
  178. Can colon cancer be more effectively detected when colonoscopy is supported by an occult blood test compared to colonoscopy alone?
  179. Does regular usage of low-dose aspirin effectively reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke for women above the age of 80 years?
  180. Is yoga an effective medical therapy for reducing lymphedema in patients recovering from neck cancer?
  181. Does daily blood pressure monitoring help in addressing the triggers of hypertension among males over 65 years?
  182. Does a regular 30-minute exercise regimen effectively reduce the risk of heart disease in adults over 65 years?
  183. Does prolonged exposure to chemotherapy increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases among teenagers suffering from cancer?
  184. Does the increase in the intake of oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer among women aged 20-30 in the UK?
  185. Does encouraging male work colleagues to talk about sexual harassment decrease the rate of depression in the workplace?
  186. Does forming work groups to discuss domestic violence among the rural population of the United States reduce stress and depression among women?
  187. Does breastfeeding among toddlers in the urban United States decrease their chances of obesity as pre-schoolers?
  188. Does bullying in boarding schools in Scotland increase the likelihood of domestic violence within a 20-year timeframe?
  189. Does the use of modern syringes help in reducing needle injuries among healthcare workers in America?
  190. Are first-time mothers giving birth to premature babies more prone to postpartum depression compared to second or third-time mothers in the same condition?
  191. For women under the age of 50 years, is a yearly mammogram more effective in preventing breast cancer compared to a mammogram done every 3 years?
  192. Does regular usage of low-dose aspirin effectively reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke for women above the age of 80 years?
  193. After being diagnosed with blood sugar levels, is a four-times-a-day blood glucose monitoring process more effective in controlling the onset of Type 1 diabetes?

Related: How to write an abstract poster presentation.

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